Saturday, January 8, 2011

Word #6 Zealous

Zealous  [zel-uh s]

Definition: full of, characterized by, or due to zeal; ardently active, devoted, or dilligent.

Translated: My take on this word is that it means to be full of life and describes a person who is abitious and persistent in everything they do.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Other forms of the word:
Zealously- adverb
Zealousness- noun
nonzealous- adjective
nonzealously- adverb
nonzealousness- noun
superzealous- adjective
superzealously- adverb
superzealousness- noun
underzealous- adjective
underzealously- adverb
underzealousness- noun
unzealous- adjective
unzealously- adverb

Example sentences:
1). The little girl zealously learned to ride her bike after falling off three times
2).  The zealous baby kept trying to get up and walk even after falling a few times.

Best to Use: This word is best to be used around older people above the age of twelve because if used around anybody younger it may be confused for the word jealous. Is a great word to use to describe somebody you envy for being very devoted as it shines a positive light on that person. Also great to use in story writing because it is one of those words that people get excited to read and really want to know what it means.

Synonyms: My word is alot like spirited but it's different in that spirited is a divine or inspriring being or influence while zealous is an adjective to describe someone that is devoted and dilligent. While zealous can be a influence that is inspiring it can also be an influence that can be annoying to some.

Antonyms: My word is pretty much the exact opposite of lethargic because lethargic means to be sluggish and unmotivated. In contrast, zealous means to be devoted and dilligent, always being motivated and sticking to things.

Usefullness: I give zealous 4 out of 5 stars, because it is a word that is so positive and spices up any story or sentence it goes in. It is a word most people above middle school level know and can use in daily conversation. When used as an adjective it shines a positive light on anybody or anything it describes. It is also simply an exciting word to say. The only problem I find with this word is that it can be misinterperted easily for being similar to jealous and both words have completely different meanings.

Explanation: This picture shows that spongebob is full of character and devoted to making krabby patties for 24 hours by the way his face is. His eyes are glowing with anticipation and the fact that he is smiling shows he has enthesiasum making this a perfect example for being zealous.

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