Thursday, January 13, 2011

Word #8 Plethora

Plethora      [pleth-er-uh]

Definition: 1. Overabundance, excess.


Translation: This word to me means, a lot, to many and too much.

Part of Speech: Noun

Other Forms:
Plethoric -adjective
Plethorically -adverb

Example Sentences:
1. I plethorically picked at my fingernails during the exam.
2. We went through a plethora of restaurants and tour guides.
3. The hoarder was plethoric when it came to storing and keeping her belongings.

When to use the word: The best time to use the word plethora is when talking to a professor or writing an essay or report. It's to sound advanced and be able to speak and impress an older individual who has much knowledge. When describing the amount of books in a college library or the amount of classes there are, or simply an overabundance of any object.

Synonyms: My word is a lot like surplus but its different in that surplus is describing a an amount or quantity that was in excess or greater than what was needed while plethora is a word that describes a generic array of things that could be in overabbundance or excess.

Antonym: My word is the exact opposite of shortage, because it means having a deficiency or not enough of something. Like having a shortage of food,not having in enough. While Plethora means having more of something than needed. An exaggerate more than enough of something.

Usefulness: I give this word a 4out 5 stars, because of the way it sounds. It sounds greek almost egyptian and most importantly, most people will be shocked when they hear the word and when you explain it. They will feel inferior to you because once you explain it. The word isn't so complicated or hard to comprehend. You will look more educated and look smarter as well.

In this video, from the movie The Three Amigos, El Guapo uses the word plethora in a complete sentence a few times, when describing the vast amount of pinantas he has received for his birthday.
This word is used between 35 seconds and 1 minute 15 seconds.

Explanation: In this picture, it shows a plethora of rubber duckies, it's a large amount, more than enough of an amount of a certain thing,place or people. An exagerrated amount of something.

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