Saturday, January 8, 2011

Word # 5 Discombobulate

Discombobulate  [dis-kuhm-bob-yuh-leyt]

Definition: 1.Confuse, disconcert, upset or frustrate.
2. To throw somebody into a state of confusion.

Translation: My take on this word would be when someone is to say or do something that makes the other person utterly confused and upset.

Part of speech: Verb

Other forms: Discombobulating (verb), Discombobulated (adjective)

Example sentences:
1). My discombobulated grandma stared at me blankly while I tried to teach her how to text.
2). The math teacher was discombobulating the students as she taught them about imaginary numbers.

When it is best used: The number one, best place to use this word would be to your English teacher (preferably a high school one, but one as low as middle school would work too). The reason is, is that it would simply impress your teacher that a student would rather use such a complex word like discombobulate instead of just saying to be confused. Also this word should be used when talking to your boss or co-worker about something that confused you because then you will sound smarter even if the problem you are addressing is something you should understand.

Synonyms: My word is a lot like the word perplex because both words share the general meaning of something causing you to be confused or puzzled. Its different though because discombobulated means to confuse a person about something while perplex means to actually be confused about what is not understood.

Antonyms: My word is pretty much the exact opposite of clarify because to clarify is to become or make something clear and intelligible. Somebody would be trying to bring understanding to a person. While discombobulate means to make somebody confused and not fully understanding of a concept or subject.

Usefulness: I would give discombobulate a 4 out 5 stars, because it is a perfect word to use when trying to impress someone about the way you feel, instead of using the plain word like confused. Many people could use it and increase there self esteem by interacting with other people in a deep conversation.

Explanation: The picture above shows exactly what discombobulate means, which is making someone confused. George Bush shows being discombobulated, after having someone just ask him a question and him being very confused and thinking about what to say next. Someone who is left in a confused phased.

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